AURA (2021)
site-specific sculpture, chrome metal, oil paint, dimension variable
Shè Zi Island
主辦單位:台北市士林區富洲社區發展協會Shilin, Taipei, TAIWAN 

I am Tamas Szvet, a visual artist from Hungary. I have been living in Taiwan for the last three years and my art projects are aiming to discover and celebrate the local culture. I work mainly on site-specific projects, with ideas based on engagement with places and communities. My sculptures and installations use natural materials such as wood, bamboo, or metal, and ephemeral — light, shadow, projection, and reflection. My intention is to create site-specific artworks which surround the viewer and ultimately enhance his or her interaction or engagement with the particular space and locale.

My artwork in Shezi Island is aiming to visualize the invisible, the aura left behind in an old abandoned family house.  In order to create more connections with the local culture, I interviewed Mr. Chen Mei-Sheng, one of the current owners of the traditional family house. He lived in the old house until 8 years old. He told me the history of his ancestors and shared his memory of Shezidao. The Chen family originate in China and brought six children to Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty. The first and sixth children (eighth generation of Shi-Chao-Gong offspring) settled in Shezi island. The ruined house in Shi-sa-way (溪沙尾, meaning the sandy tail of the creek, it is the old name of that area) belongs to the sixth son (Chen Yi-Zong, offs) and his family.  

When Chen Mei-Sheng recalled his childhood memories of living in the old house he described it in the following way.: “Living in poor life, I learned to have fun by using surrounding trees and flowers to make toys, teasing snakes near water, picking dragon eyes on the trees with his friend (uncle Ching-shui, now the owner of a local buffet dinner​), and using the seeds as marble to play games. Sometimes I picked up the Chinese Hibiscus as his snack. “

The artwork Aura (2021) is aiming to visualize the tale of the Chen Family. The abandoned building has several windows, with metal fences in bad condition. I redesigned them to tell the story of the house. When someone looks inside, the metal lines act as a storyteller and give some hints and information about the life of its previous inhabitants. They reveal something invisible, the traces of people, and the echoes of the past. The whole building is cleaned and reinforced as part of the project to generate a meeting space for the local community. 

Within the theme of  “向望 ǹg-bang” my artwork is a wish to keep the stories and to share the memories. I wish Shezi a bright future, where their culture will be celebrated and the atmosphere of the Island will stay wonderful as it is.

Tamás Szvet 湯明煦 湯明煦是來自匈牙利的視覺藝術家,目前已在台灣居住了三年。他以發掘和歌頌地方文化為創作目標。大部分創作特定場域作品,靈感來自與地方和社區的交往。他的雕塑和裝置使用天然素材,如木、竹或金屬,並結合短暫的現象:光、影、投影和反射,意圖打造能環繞著觀眾的特定場域作品,最終能增加人們與特定空間或地點的互動、交往。

AURA 尺寸依場地 特定場域雕塑、金屬、油漆 這件作品試圖呈現一間荒廢家族老屋所散發的無形氣息。現任屋主之一陳美勝在此屋住到八歲,受訪時他分享了祖先的故事,以及在此生活的回憶。士朝公(溪沙尾陳姓唐山祖)清代時從唐山攜六子渡海來台,大房與六房在社子島落戶。這間位於溪沙尾的老屋即屬於六房子弟陳懿宗( 陳美勝之父)。 陳美勝回憶他的童年:經濟生活困苦,生活周邊的樹與花就是童玩素材。在水堀邊玩蛇,和現在開自助餐的清水叔一起摘龍眼吃,吃完拿龍眼籽當彈珠,扶桑花採來當零嘴。 AURA》旨在將陳家的故事視覺化。荒廢建築有多扇窗戶,上頭的鐵窗都已毀損。我重新設計鐵花窗來述說老房子的故事。當人們從窗望向屋內,金屬線條扮演著說書人,提供以前住戶生活的線索與資訊。這些窗戶揭露了那些不可見、人們生活的軌跡,還有過往的迴響。荒廢老屋經過整理,也期待能成為社區一處新的空間。 呼應主題「向望」,這件作品像是保存故事、分享回憶的一種期盼。我祝福社子有光明的未來,文化能被頌揚,而島上美好氛圍持續永存。

© - All Rights Reserved 2009 Tamas Szvet
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