with Tamas Szvet | 匈牙利/視覺藝術
with Tamas Szvet | 匈牙利/視覺藝術
總爺藝文中心 | Tsung-Yeh Arts and Cultural Center | 文創人才駐市 Artist in
Residence Program
麻豆 Madou | 台南 Tainan | 台灣 TAIWAN
體驗營日期:2019.06.30 (日)14:00-16:00
體驗營日期:2019.06.30 (日)14:00-16:00
The workshop focuses on
the Immaterial Cultural Heritage, things that are intangible, such as the daily life of the factory
workers, stories of local culture, and
things that have already disappeared. By making the invisible visible, the
artwork aims to arouse people’s awareness of the rich cultural landscape. By
connecting the past and the present, it highlights the importance of immaterial
values, on which culture itself is based.
During the workshop, the participant had
the chance to create a 360° drawing together, by
using archive pictures of Madou.
After the creation, the picture was loaded into the Virtual Reality surface, and
become visible as a horizontal landscape, which recalls the rich
history of Taiwan’s sugar industry.
托馬斯.史維特(匈牙利, 1982) 為視覺藝術家,熱衷探索感知、記憶、以及不可見領域。2018年,其以文科博士(DLA)學位,畢業於布達佩斯的匈牙利藝術大學。史維特的藝術研究著重在拓展人類視野的可能性,針對我們看事物的方式,他提出質疑並勾勒出不可見之面相,例如:非物質的文化遺產,他以現地創作的模式,創造出不同感知間的互動。其聚焦地域及社區的聯結性,進而介紹出不同的文化,並將其與重要的當代議題並列。