WORKSHOP with Tamás Szvet and Klara Petra Szabó
as part as the Art Inside Out Residency Program 2019
organized by the Centre for Critical Heritage Studies at the
University of Gothenburg and University College London
29.-30.10.2018. Äskhult, Halland County / SWEDEN

The VR experience created together with the participants (names above the drawings) in a workshop – led by Tamás SZVET & Klára Petra SZABÓ - as part as the HIDDEN SITES II.: Out of site out of mind workshop, organized by the Centre for Critical Heritage Studies (CCHS) at the University of Gothenburg and University College London. The event, in extension of the Art Inside Out residency at Äskhult.

The aim of the workshop is to enable for a conversation over new challenges for management of heritage sites, and how creative practice can contribute in giving new perspectives. The workshop invites the stakeholders related to Äskhult, the artists in residence of concern but also scholars and heritage practitioners. The aim is to discuss, but also to give individual experiences from on-site artistic workshops. Tentative themes for conversations: the development of new practice and methods.

Our participation in the workshop aimed to create a collective drawing where the research questions have been approached in practice. We collected archive pictures of Askhult, and created a panoramic image together. The images were missing the middle parts, and the participant have been asked to draw - or reconstruct - the missing elements of the architectures. After the creation we inserted the image into 360 view, and the individual contributions became one panoramic drawing of Äskhult village. For the workshop Daydream VR glass have been used with Google Poly features.


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Please contact Tamas Szvet for use or publication of these articles or any written or visual content