潮韻粼粼 / Current

藝術家 / Artist: Tamas Szvet / 湯明煦
策劃 / Curator: 張乃卉 / Nai-hui Chang
臺灣檜木、不鏽鋼索、玻璃、線性致動器Taiwan cypress wood, stainless steel wire, glass sphere, linear actuator, 400 x 400 x 400cm

「潮韻粼粼」Current 融合波浪和浮標兩者的元素,代表海事安全營運的動態性和保護性。以航港局徽三色所製的玻璃球,在形似漁網的木框下,透過機械科技輕輕搖擺引起粼粼波光,是藝術家發想自潮浪帶給觀眾的視覺享受。作品不僅反映梧棲從事沿海漁業的歷史,還代表航運安全和環境價值的深刻反思;期盼讓大眾理解航港局所肩負的使命,並結合新辦公大樓特色建築,共同為中部海運地區建構「優質環境,航運永續」象徵意義。

This public art transcends mere aesthetic form, embodying the fluidity and guardianship inherent in maritime safety paradigms through the symbolism of waves and buoys. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the work re-engages the public with the Port Authority's ethos. The ripples of light created by undulating glass spheres invite both visual pleasure and contemplative depth with the motifs of maritime safety, and the intrinsic value of our natural world. This piece intends to cultivate an understanding and reverence for the mission of the Port Authority. In complement with the new Port Bureau building, Current aspires to serve as a visual symbol for Wuqi.

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