LECTURE AND WORKSHOP: Tamas Szvet: Capturing Nature. Organized by the Taiwan Nature Trail Society.
湯明煦: 捕捉自然 由自然小徑協會組織的關於自然藝術家生活的講座
Lecture: 18.07.2024 9:30-11:30 AM, Workshop: Cyanotype Printing 25.07.2024 9:30-11:30 AM 2024718 9:30-11:30 AM 工作坊:藍曬印刷2024725 9:30-11:30 AM自然步道協會 Helping Herbal Garden 萬華和平青草原綠化教室


I am so excited to work with the STEAM CAMP in NSTM againupcoming VR DRAWING WORKSHOPVR繪圖工作坊 by TAMAS SZVET|湯明煦 26.07.2024 National Science and Technology Museum 國立科學工藝博物館 Kaohsiung.  

+映後座談 Screening: "György Kepes. Interthinking Art + Science" documentary premiere & post-screening discussion

時間 Date & Time7/28 (Sun.) 15:00-17:00 (GMT+8)
地點 Location|科技大樓2F 13號會議室 Conference Room 13, Technology Building 2F
講者 Lecturers|導演Márton Orosz、引言人Tamás Szvet

活動介紹 Event Intro
為響應本展與麻省理工學院前衛視覺研究中心(CAVS)的合作,本次特別安排首次在台獻映紀錄片《喬治・凱普斯:在藝術+科學裡思考》(György Kepes. Interthinking Art + Science)。影片圍繞著CAVS的創始人喬治・凱普斯展開敘事,回顧他從包浩斯到科技藝術的發展中如何推動歷史。活動亦榮幸邀請到凱普斯研究者Tamás Szvet及本片導演Márton Orosz於映前映後進行講解與座談!
In response to the exhibition's collaboration with the Center for Advanced Visual Studies (CAVS) at MIT, we specially arranges to screen the documentary "György Kepes. Interthinking Art + Science" for the first time in Taiwan. The film revolves around György Keps, the founder of CAVS, and reviews how he made changes in the development from Bauhaus to science & technology art. We are also honored to invite György Kepes researcher Tamás Szvet and the film's director Márton Orosz to give lectures before and after the screening!

For further lecturers intro please refer to the registration page.
For other series events, please go to:

You are cordially invited to the: ART GYM - CULTURAL WORKOUT
藝術健身房 - 起練出文化力 solo exhibition by TAMAS SZVET 湯明煦
Siao-Long Children's Museum of Arts
  |  Permanent Exhibition 蕭壠文化園區 兒童美術館  | 常設展  VenueSiao-Long Cultural Park A9 Exploration Zone 展覽地點:蕭壠文化園區  A9 互動探索館722, Tainan City, Jiali District, 六安130號   OPENING: 9:30am Guide tour 11:00–11:30 am on the 7th of October Open: 2023.10.07 - 2024.09.29.

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Please contact Tamas Szvet for use or publication of these articles or any written or visual content