潮韻粼粼 / Current
藝術家 / Artist:
Tamas Szvet / 湯明煦
策劃 / Curator:
張乃卉 / Nai-hui
臺灣檜木、不鏽鋼索、玻璃、線性致動器Taiwan cypress wood, stainless steel wire, glass sphere,
linear actuator, 400 x 400 x 400cm
This public art transcends mere aesthetic form, embodying the fluidity and
guardianship inherent in maritime safety paradigms through the symbolism of
waves and buoys. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the work re-engages the public
with the Port Authority's ethos. The ripples of light created by undulating glass
spheres invite both visual pleasure and contemplative depth with the motifs of
maritime safety, and the intrinsic value of our natural world. This piece
intends to cultivate an understanding and reverence for the mission of the Port
Authority. In complement with the new Port Bureau building, Current aspires to
serve as a visual symbol for Wuqi.
主辦單位 /
Sponsor: 交通部航港局(彰化風場航道交通管理服務中心暨中航辦公大樓)The
Maritime and Port Bureau, MOTC (Changhua Wind Farm Waterway Traffic Management
Service Center and Taichung Administration Office)
Contributors: 玻璃生產
Glass production: 志空工藝有限公司 https://www.ccc-works.com/, 技術和程式設計 /
Technology and programming: 捷特諾科技企業社; 木匠 / carpenter: Moku Art 工作室; 益玖營造有限公司;
結構顧問 /
Structural Consultant: 原型結構工程顧問有限公司3D 建模和動畫:陳柏宇 Po-Yu
Chen, 特別感謝 /
Special thanks:
溝通 /
Chen Hsin,
藝術工作坊 /
Workshop: 臺中市清水區槺榔國民小學
皓月藝術工作室 / MOONLIGHT ART STUDIO: https://www.instagram.com/moonlight_art_studio_taiwan/